Full Name: Mitchel Wensveen
Age: 25
City of Birth: Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Nationality: Dutch
Tongues: Dutch & English
Years Active: Since 2010
Hobbies: Playing Games, Watching Cartoons, Sitting around a fire with friends to brainstorm cool new ideas.
Favorite Music: Oh boy, I like a whole bunch of random stuff. Can't really pick a single thing. check this playlist i made!
Favorite Movie/TV Genre's: Adventure, fantasy & Science Fiction. I like them most when they're spiced with character oriented narratives.
Age: 25
City of Birth: Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Nationality: Dutch
Tongues: Dutch & English
Years Active: Since 2010
Hobbies: Playing Games, Watching Cartoons, Sitting around a fire with friends to brainstorm cool new ideas.
Favorite Music: Oh boy, I like a whole bunch of random stuff. Can't really pick a single thing. check this playlist i made!
Favorite Movie/TV Genre's: Adventure, fantasy & Science Fiction. I like them most when they're spiced with character oriented narratives.
I am a Dutch Writer, Animator, Story Teller, Voice Actor and Graphic Designer based in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. I created the YouTube channel MitchelChannal in 2010 and another YouTube channel called Glorious Rigby in 2017. In 2018 I joined the community website LambdaGeneration.com to produce a YouTube show called 'All Things Lambda', which is gaining traction amongst the Half-Life community.
Things I think I'm good at
Directing a live-action internet scale video productions.
Writing compelling stories and screenplays with charm and creativity.
Designing charming characters and worlds.
Designing logo's and branding for companies and events.
Animating graphical assets and creating bumpers & intro's with flexible movement.
Editing and compositing internet video's and television broadcasts.
Managing Social Media account's.
Acting and Voice Acting for human and non-human characters.
Drinking all of the coffee in the office.
Writing compelling stories and screenplays with charm and creativity.
Designing charming characters and worlds.
Designing logo's and branding for companies and events.
Animating graphical assets and creating bumpers & intro's with flexible movement.
Editing and compositing internet video's and television broadcasts.
Managing Social Media account's.
Acting and Voice Acting for human and non-human characters.
Drinking all of the coffee in the office.

Things I've done so far
Super Nick
One Day Host • 2008 • With Nickelodeon & Viacom Europe.
One Day Host • 2008 • With Nickelodeon & Viacom Europe.
Crazy Is Crazy
Voice Actor • 2014-2018 • With Mark Roosien
I did some voice acting for the YouTube Show. Mostly for the Red Universe episodes where I voice Alfred the Gnome and Red-Mitchel.
Voice Actor • 2014-2018 • With Mark Roosien
I did some voice acting for the YouTube Show. Mostly for the Red Universe episodes where I voice Alfred the Gnome and Red-Mitchel.
Creator and Developer • 2010-2018
Being my first ever public project, MitchelChannal was a YouTube channel where I would upload pretty much anything I felt like uploading. Being mainly comedy focused, I made everything from skits, topical videos, voice-over parodies and even unboxings. I canceled any production efforts for the channel at the start of 2018 in favor of focusing on other, more successful projects, eight years after the channel was originally created.
Creator and Developer • 2010-2018
Being my first ever public project, MitchelChannal was a YouTube channel where I would upload pretty much anything I felt like uploading. Being mainly comedy focused, I made everything from skits, topical videos, voice-over parodies and even unboxings. I canceled any production efforts for the channel at the start of 2018 in favor of focusing on other, more successful projects, eight years after the channel was originally created.
Quarter Fraction Demo
Voice Acting • 2018 • With Renigen Games.
For the original demo of Quarter Fraction - at the time a top down shooter inspired by the scrapped story of Half-Life 3 - I played a resistance character that lead the player though the game. Unfortunately, this demo version is lost to time.
Voice Acting • 2018 • With Renigen Games.
For the original demo of Quarter Fraction - at the time a top down shooter inspired by the scrapped story of Half-Life 3 - I played a resistance character that lead the player though the game. Unfortunately, this demo version is lost to time.
Vraag Het Mitchel
Creator • 2010-2011
The first show to launch on MitchelChannal. I would pick a random question and I would answer it. It was shelved in 2011 in favor of higher quality content.
Creator • 2010-2011
The first show to launch on MitchelChannal. I would pick a random question and I would answer it. It was shelved in 2011 in favor of higher quality content.
Entropy: Zero 2
Voice Acting • 2019-2022 • With Breadman and the Entropy: Zero 2 team.
I've been doing some voice-acting work for a standalone Half-Life 2 based modification called Entropy: Zero 2. In this game, I play a radio announcer who can be heard and even seen throughout. Voice acting for this project was done over a period of 3 to 4 years and recording sessions concluded in 2022. Entropy: Zero 2 is out now and available through Steam.
Voice Acting • 2019-2022 • With Breadman and the Entropy: Zero 2 team.
I've been doing some voice-acting work for a standalone Half-Life 2 based modification called Entropy: Zero 2. In this game, I play a radio announcer who can be heard and even seen throughout. Voice acting for this project was done over a period of 3 to 4 years and recording sessions concluded in 2022. Entropy: Zero 2 is out now and available through Steam.
MitchelChannal Games
Creator and Host • 2011-2017 • With Dennis den Besten, Ruben Klijn & Jeroen Schmidt.
The official gaming side of the MitchelChannal brand. Back in 2011, when the channel was first created, every YouTube channel out there had at least one secondary channel focused on video games. Due to the lack of interest and a shifting YouTube landscape, the channel was cancelled in 2017. This was also due to my inability to manage both a comedy channel and a gaming channel at the same time.
Creator and Host • 2011-2017 • With Dennis den Besten, Ruben Klijn & Jeroen Schmidt.
The official gaming side of the MitchelChannal brand. Back in 2011, when the channel was first created, every YouTube channel out there had at least one secondary channel focused on video games. Due to the lack of interest and a shifting YouTube landscape, the channel was cancelled in 2017. This was also due to my inability to manage both a comedy channel and a gaming channel at the same time.
Lost Industry Origins
Voice Acting • 2020 • With Team Ikarus.
I was asked to play the voice of a doorman for the resistance in this Half-Life 2 mod developed by Ikarus Software.
Voice Acting • 2020 • With Team Ikarus.
I was asked to play the voice of a doorman for the resistance in this Half-Life 2 mod developed by Ikarus Software.
Mitchel's Wijze Les
Creator • 2013-2018
A spiritual successor to Vraag Het Mitchel. Every episode tackled a different subject. This show was one of the production efforts that was canceled alongside MitchelChannal . Plans for a third season were scrapped.
Creator • 2013-2018
A spiritual successor to Vraag Het Mitchel. Every episode tackled a different subject. This show was one of the production efforts that was canceled alongside MitchelChannal . Plans for a third season were scrapped.
Altijd Raak
Video Producer • 2014-2015 • With Diego Boin, Bjorn Ringnalda & Mark Roosien
AltijdRaak was a collaborative channel between five content creators. On the channel we would upload vlogs, topical content, Storytime videos and gameplay videos. The channel was eventually abandoned as the drive to create YouTube videos faded for some of the members. Leaving only me to upload the last batch of videos I made onto the channel, which were from a Portal playthrough.
Video Producer • 2014-2015 • With Diego Boin, Bjorn Ringnalda & Mark Roosien
AltijdRaak was a collaborative channel between five content creators. On the channel we would upload vlogs, topical content, Storytime videos and gameplay videos. The channel was eventually abandoned as the drive to create YouTube videos faded for some of the members. Leaving only me to upload the last batch of videos I made onto the channel, which were from a Portal playthrough.
Glorious Rigby
Creator/Producer/Voice Actor • 2017-Ongoing...
Glorious Rigby is about an alien peculiarly named Rigby who likes to play human video games and talks about it online on YouTube. This channel is an attempt to collide a story rich backstory with video game related essays. The channel was created because I wanted a bigger creative challenge and a new audience. Glorious Rigby will eventually move into different subjects beyond Video Games and several spin-off ideas are being thought off.
Creator/Producer/Voice Actor • 2017-Ongoing...
Glorious Rigby is about an alien peculiarly named Rigby who likes to play human video games and talks about it online on YouTube. This channel is an attempt to collide a story rich backstory with video game related essays. The channel was created because I wanted a bigger creative challenge and a new audience. Glorious Rigby will eventually move into different subjects beyond Video Games and several spin-off ideas are being thought off.
Ace & Andreas
Director/Writer/Compositing • 2016 • With Fabio Steltenpohl
A animated Stop-Motion adventure about two quirky space pilots going on an adventure way too large for them. I co-created this project together with VFX Artist Fabio Steltenpohl for a school assignment at the time. Due to production issues we had to drop the original eight-page script and settle with something smaller. Distribution plans for this project have been scrapped.
Director/Writer/Compositing • 2016 • With Fabio Steltenpohl
A animated Stop-Motion adventure about two quirky space pilots going on an adventure way too large for them. I co-created this project together with VFX Artist Fabio Steltenpohl for a school assignment at the time. Due to production issues we had to drop the original eight-page script and settle with something smaller. Distribution plans for this project have been scrapped.
Director/Writer • 2017 • With Conner Bottelier
A short-film about two opposites finding themselves kicked out of a train. Together they try to get to their destination on foot, learning a lot about each other on the way over there. But are strangers to be trusted? Travelbound was a three month production, written & directed by me and Conner Bottelier. There are currently no plans to distribute this production.
Director/Writer • 2017 • With Conner Bottelier
A short-film about two opposites finding themselves kicked out of a train. Together they try to get to their destination on foot, learning a lot about each other on the way over there. But are strangers to be trusted? Travelbound was a three month production, written & directed by me and Conner Bottelier. There are currently no plans to distribute this production.
Bone Crushers
Creator/Animator/Voice Actor • 2017
Originally a project for the Vidme Green Screen Challenge, Bone Crushers was a compositing and voice acting project that I loved making. It is also one of the first full projects under the Mitchel's Workshop name. An extended version was meant to be produced, with a bigger story, more voice actors and more polished visuals. But the project was dropped in favor of other projects. Since Vidme shut down a while ago, the video is now being hosted on YouTube.
Creator/Animator/Voice Actor • 2017
Originally a project for the Vidme Green Screen Challenge, Bone Crushers was a compositing and voice acting project that I loved making. It is also one of the first full projects under the Mitchel's Workshop name. An extended version was meant to be produced, with a bigger story, more voice actors and more polished visuals. But the project was dropped in favor of other projects. Since Vidme shut down a while ago, the video is now being hosted on YouTube.
"Een Goed Gesprek" - Podcast
Editor and Co-Host • 2018 • With Conner Bottelier, Erik Hendriks & Fabio Steltenpohl.
Conner Bottelier, Erik Hendriks, Fabio Steltenpohl, Jochem Wittebrood & me have created a podcast about the audio/visual industry covering everything from news to fun inside knowledge. The podcast was first recorded and filmed inside Mediacollege Amsterdam. But production was later moved to VondelCS in Amsterdam. I edited all of the episodes except the first one.
Editor and Co-Host • 2018 • With Conner Bottelier, Erik Hendriks & Fabio Steltenpohl.
Conner Bottelier, Erik Hendriks, Fabio Steltenpohl, Jochem Wittebrood & me have created a podcast about the audio/visual industry covering everything from news to fun inside knowledge. The podcast was first recorded and filmed inside Mediacollege Amsterdam. But production was later moved to VondelCS in Amsterdam. I edited all of the episodes except the first one.
"All Things Lambda" - LambdaGeneration
Executive Producer / Writer / Voice-Over / Editing • 2018-2021 • With LambdaGeneration Crew.
Being the only Half-Life focused community news show on the internet, All Things Lambda is the place to stay in touch with the creative minds of the community that keeps this game from the 90's alive and well. I created the show and produced it from 2018 'till 2021. 162 episodes were produced.
Executive Producer / Writer / Voice-Over / Editing • 2018-2021 • With LambdaGeneration Crew.
Being the only Half-Life focused community news show on the internet, All Things Lambda is the place to stay in touch with the creative minds of the community that keeps this game from the 90's alive and well. I created the show and produced it from 2018 'till 2021. 162 episodes were produced.
Content Producer @ WorkplaceBuddy
Animator / Editor / Writer / Graphic Designer • 2020-ongoing...
WorkplaceBuddy makes Microsoft 365 adoption much easier with the use of a smart chatbot and hundreds of e-learnings all available under your fingertips! I joined the company at the tail-end of 2020, taking up the role of Content Producer. I edit/animate/write videos and I do some graphic designing too.
Animator / Editor / Writer / Graphic Designer • 2020-ongoing...
WorkplaceBuddy makes Microsoft 365 adoption much easier with the use of a smart chatbot and hundreds of e-learnings all available under your fingertips! I joined the company at the tail-end of 2020, taking up the role of Content Producer. I edit/animate/write videos and I do some graphic designing too.
LambdaGeneration Community Platform
Graphic Design • 2021-ongoing... • With LambdaGeneration Crew.
In 2021 I helped relaunch the LambdaGeneration.com website into a platform where Valve community members can share their creations, opinions or other content based around the games and discus about it. The platform is live right now and steadily growing, getting more and more attention every day. We currently house around 14000+ registered users.
Graphic Design • 2021-ongoing... • With LambdaGeneration Crew.
In 2021 I helped relaunch the LambdaGeneration.com website into a platform where Valve community members can share their creations, opinions or other content based around the games and discus about it. The platform is live right now and steadily growing, getting more and more attention every day. We currently house around 14000+ registered users.
Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Adventure - Fan Game
Writing / Initial Production Management / Additional Graphics / Trailer Production • 2023 • With LambdaGeneration
Half-Life turned 25 years old this year and some core members of the LambdaGeneration crew and I decided to create a fan game celebrating this milestone. In Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Adventure you play as the main characters from the Half-Life franchise as you run through several key locations of the games, collecting facts from the community and items along the way. I was responsible for the initial project management phase, the writing of the dialogue and text inside of the item description cards, I created the HL25 logo and the trailer accompanying the game as well as a few additional jobs.
Writing / Initial Production Management / Additional Graphics / Trailer Production • 2023 • With LambdaGeneration
Half-Life turned 25 years old this year and some core members of the LambdaGeneration crew and I decided to create a fan game celebrating this milestone. In Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Adventure you play as the main characters from the Half-Life franchise as you run through several key locations of the games, collecting facts from the community and items along the way. I was responsible for the initial project management phase, the writing of the dialogue and text inside of the item description cards, I created the HL25 logo and the trailer accompanying the game as well as a few additional jobs.
Please note that this is a fan game. The creation of this product was neither requested or approved by Valve.
These lists will be updated as I gain more work.